Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Madison's Baptism

I didn't mean to do this but this is the first time that I have blogged and I didn't know that you were supposed to put the pictures in from last to first and I don't know how to change it so you will have to read about Mesa Verde first instead of Madison first.  We took Laura with us to Maddy's Baptism and while we had a little time did some touring in Mesa Verde.  I was learning to use the camera and the first couple of pictures I didn't get so you can't see the ruins that are behind and below us very well, but they are there if you look closely, they are actually quite extensive.  Laura has better pictures and when when she gets some time she may blog them. The lower picture is of a ruin that is not built into a cliff, it is just on top of the ground and you can just get out of your car and walk around them, they have a map that shows where the ruins are, you get it when you enter the Park.  The upper picture ruins are reached by hiking a little down into them,  you have to pay $3.00 and be with a ranger to go into them.  The rest of the story is after Maddy's Baptism picture. 

This is Madison just after she was Baptized and Confirmed by her Dad.  She was baptized on April 12th.  She was very excited, a few weeks before her mother had asked her if she was getting excited and she said no, she was scared, she was worried about so many people being there, but her mother explained that she would know every one and that they would all be there to support her and after that she was OK.  She looked absolutely beautiful.  Dad gave a very nice talk on baptism and I gave a talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Laura went with us and ended up leading the singing, even though she hadn't been previously asked.  Her Grandpa Nelson also gave a little talk as did the Bishop then the Primary gave her a quillow (which is a quilt that folds up into itself to make a pillow) it was very clever.  Chad and Tara are in their house and finally getting it finished.  It is very nice and will be very comfortable when it is done.  Laura had never been there before so we took her on a tour of the area and went to Mesa Verde, she liked it a lot and thinks that their family may go camping there this summer.  This is when I tried to put the Mesa Verde pictures in and it didn't work they way I wanted it to, but ... I did get them entered and I did it all by myself, so. 


J and C Fish Family said...

A blog and a new post. It's so exciting. I think you did a fine job with the pictures and the post. I think there is a way to change the order, but I haven't bothered to figure it out yet, so don't feel bad. Anyway, love and miss you.

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

I think that you did a great job on your blog. It takes some getting used to but you will get the hang of it. Madison looks great in her dress. I miss being able to be at special occasions. Maybe after medical school we can get stationed closer

Michelle said...

Good job, Mom. Maddy looks nice in her dress. Wish I could have been there. Anyway, now I'm starting to feel like I have to start a blog. Maybe after finals. Tomorrow is the last one! HORRAY!!! I'm about 24 hours away to being finished with my first year of law school.

Leah said...

So it looks like Chad and Tara are going to need to start a blog. But I guess if Mom and Dad think they're close enough, they can take pictures out there and blog it. ; ) Just kidding. Great job mom. Here's a little tip, Leah loads all the pictures first and then types the post in between the pictures. But make sure that you load all the pictures in order from first to last.

I'm loving the fact that you have a blog!

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

So I am anxiously awaiting for you to post on the changes around the house with the new road and subdivision.